Training & Development & Supervision for Lecturers and Teachers


Special Offers:

1. Study day package: Designing and implementation of study days on selected topics at schools.

2. Fit for teaching package for new lecturers & teachers: Everything you need to prepare and teach your lessons successfully and enjoyably – summarised in four interactive supervised workshops in a small group.

Contact us for more information!

We offer training and development, coaching, supervision, masterclasses and expert talks for experienced teachers and anyone starting out in teaching.

Example content:

  • Creative teaching and learning methods
  • Introduction to mediation/ concept of guided mediation
  • Culturally sensitive teaching
  • Non-violent/appreciative communication
  • Heterogeneity in teaching
  • Meditation at school
  • Dealing successfully with conflict situations
  • Self-care and resilience

Discover more relevant content in my Newsletter where you will get access to additional masterclasses and expert talks

Benefit from my many years of expertise and experience and feel free to contact me for a free initial consultation. I look forward to getting to know you.
